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How conflicting loyalties affect children interpreting in healthcare

How conflicting loyalties affect children interpreting in healthcare

What happens when children need to interpret healthcare information that puts them in a moral dilemma? This was the focus of a recent study. And what they found has a massive impact on healthcare.

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How our app is optimized for radiology and mammography

How our app is optimized for radiology and mammography

Give instructions and information in the patient's language during examination. Overcome language barriers and create trust. This is how our app can help you as a radiology professional.

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Care to Translate appoints Ivar Strömberg as chairman and assembles a strong board

Care to Translate appoints Ivar Strömberg as chairman and assembles a strong board

Care to Translate has appointed a board that will guide the company to new heights in our journey to make healthcare more accessible and efficient through our digital translation app.

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Extended partnership with Landspítali

Extended partnership with Landspítali

After an extensive search for a reliable and accurate translation tool, Landspítali has found Care to Translate to be the ideal solution.

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5 tips for implementing digital tools in a region

5 tips for implementing digital tools in a region

When implementing digital tools in a large region, there are many things to consider. These are 5 tips from Micaela Fristedt, systems administrator and project manager in the Swedish county of Värmland.

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New partnership with Médecins du Monde Belgique

New partnership with Médecins du Monde Belgique

The partnership is rooted in a shared vision of breaking down language barriers in healthcare settings.

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4 financial and qualitative gains of using Care to Translate

4 financial and qualitative gains of using Care to Translate

Helse Sør-Øst in Norway, has reported on financial and qualitative gains from using Care to Translate. These are the results and they are remarkable.

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The untold story of children who translate for their parents

The untold story of children who translate for their parents

A new documentary film gives voice to the millions of children who act as translators for their families.

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Region Västmanland choose Care to Translate

Region Västmanland choose Care to Translate

Region Västmanland partners with Care to Translate for seamless communication, improving patient care and participation. Read more about it here!

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