15 phrases radiology professionals would like to be able to say in any language

“Hej, hello, hallo, ciao!”



Have you ever felt limited in your profession by your linguistic abilities? Would you like to have a Babel fish in your ear, helping you translate whatever you would like to communicate to patients, to any language of your choice? 

We asked radiology healthcare professionals what phrase they would like to be able to say in all of the world's languages. These were the most popular answers. 

Note! All of these phrases are of course available to communicate with our medical translation app. Try it for free here.

1. “Hello”

Maybe the most common word used to initiate conversation with.

2. “Welcome!”

No interaction is complete without a proper greeting. 

3. “Do you feel alright?”

Is the patient feeling uncomfortable, are they in pain or does it feel ok during the procedure? As a healthcare professional, you want to continuously be able to ask this question. With our app, you can also ask “Does it feel comfortable?”, as well as other exploratory questions.

4. “Hold your breath”

5. “Breathe in and hold your breath”

6. “Take deep breaths”

7. “It is important that you do not let any air out of your lungs”

In radiology, multiple examination results rely on the patient's ability to cooperate to get the best images possible. Being able to instruct the patient on how to breathe can be crucial for the imaging quality (for example for CT scans). In our app, we have accounted for a variety of framings of these questions to give you lots of options when examining patients. 

8. “When the contrast fluid is administered, you may experience a warm feeling in your body and bladder. The feeling goes away after a minute or two.”

Explaining how the patient will feel when receiving contrast fluid can be really useful, to not cause unnecessary confusion or distress.

9. “Are you taking hormones, birth control pills or estrogen?”

To be able to assess mammogram images in the right way, knowing if the woman takes hormones or estrogen is very important information.

10. “Have you noticed any changes in your breasts?”

11. “Can you feel one or several lumps in your breasts?”

For healthcare professionals working in mammography, changes in the breasts is one of the most discussed topics. So being able to ask a lot of questions on that theme can be really helpful. Our phrase library is filled with multiple questions about lumps, changes or previous surgeries.

12.“Does being in tight spaces make you anxious?”

MRI, CT or PET scans, they can all be quite intimidating if you are prone to being claustrophobic. Knowing this, you as a radiology professional can work on calming the patient in advance and work on strategies to make the experience as comfortable as possible.

13. “Do you have a personal identification number?”

To correctly identify a patient and get access to their medical records is crucial in most areas of health care.

14. “Follow the markings with this color:”

Giving simple instructions in the hospital or clinic can help the patient find their way.

15.  “I will help you” 

Being able to calm and reassure the patient can be essential for the collaboration between them and the healthcare professional.

Do you think there are any phrases missing? Please let us know what sentences or words you would need, as a radiology professional, to communicate with patients. 

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If you haven't already, go ahead and try our medical translator here to see how it can work for your department.